ada bundle
Digital Products Blog,Business How to build ADA-compliant websites?

How to build ADA-compliant websites?


ada bundle

 Ignorance of the law may cause you a heavy fine, as it is the duty of a website developer to keep all of his websites in compliance with the law. We are providing you with a solution for the ADA compliance bundle.

Ignorance Is No Excuse. If Your Site Isn’t Compliant, You Can Be Sued!

Unfortunately, even if you didn’t know about the laws that govern ADA compliance – you
could still wind up losing 10’s of thousands of dollars. As a matter of fact, some of these ‘legal
experts’ actually prey on unsuspecting individuals like yourself.

ADA Bundle Accessibility Widget Supports All Your Favorite & Major Website Creation Platforms…

Offer An Incredibly Helpful And Lucrative Service In

Just 4 Simple Steps

  1. Use ADA Bundle’s lead gen & business finder app to find businesses whose websites are not yet compliant.
  2. Use our reporting feature to run an accessibility audit on the site, generate a beautiful compliance report & send the report directly to your prospect via email.
  3. Land the client & get paid handsomely to help them optimize their site to become compliant.
  4. Use ADA Bundle to optimize your client’s website in minutes… Your clients are happy and your pocket is smiling!

No Technical Expertise Needed

Even if you have the technical skills of a turtle, you can still use the ADA Bundle. I’ve designed the software so there’s literally no learning curve involved. It really is as simple as copying and pasting the single line of code that the software gives you and letting ADA Bundle do its magic.

But even if you do get stuck, I have a step-by-step training video to show you how to do it quickly and easily!

This Is Great For SEO Tools

Did you know that having an accessible website is so important that Google gives it more relevancy than one that isn’t accessible?

So by not having an accessible website for disabled people, you could be losing out on a ton of potential customers which means losing out on more potential revenue.

Just another reason to let ADA Bundle get your sites compliant and all ready to go!

Tap Into Multibillion Market

Right now, the disabled market is valued at 650 billion dollars.

That’s BILLIONS with a capital B.

Now, I don’t advocate taking advantage of disabled people. As a matter of fact, if you do that, then ADA Bundle isn’t for you.

However, disabled people need services and spend money as well. So why not put your sites in a position to profit from the market?

If you offer services that truly help and make disabled people’s lives easier, and they’re willing to spend money with you, then it’ll be a win/win all the way around.

But by not making your sites accessible, you lose potential customers and leave money on the table.

ADA Bundle Also Comes With A

Commercial License So You Can Make A Six-Figure Income!

While the ADA Bundle is great for your own personal sites and business, I also want to offer you a commercial license of the ADA Bundle at no additional charge.

This is my way of saying thanks for taking fast action and getting access to the ADA Bundle today.

With this free upgrade, you’ll put yourself in a position to make an additional six-figure income.

Just imagine if you charged $1,000 per client or $500 per site. You would only need a handful of clients to generate a realistic six-figure yearly income.

And why wouldn’t small businesses sign up for this service? Especially when you’re helping them not to lose 10’s of thousands of dollars right? This option alone makes investing in ADA Bundle a true no-brainer!

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